Privacy Policy

At Eduburg India, we take your need for privacy very seriously and use state-of-the-art tools and facilities to protect your data. On the Eduburg website, there is an enquiry form which asks for the following data:

  • Data We Collect
    • Your Name
    • Your Email ID
    • Your Mobile Number
    • Your Message


This data entered by you is used for the sole purpose of informing you about certain courses or services offered by Eduburg India. This data is stored on highly secured servers, protecting it from all third-parties.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is completely secure with us. In order to prevent it from any third party or unauthorized access or disclosure we have put it in place suitable physically & electronically to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Furthermore, we do not share this data with any third party for any purpose whatsoever (unless we are instructed by law to do the same). Our only aim is to use your data to serve you better. You are free to know the details of your personal information held by Eduburg under the Data Protection Act of 1998.

In case you feel there is any privacy violation happening with your data, please get back to us on